I am really encouraged by the range of aroma, taste and flavour and downright quality of extra virgin olive oil this year. Over the last few weeks I have been busy tasting a variety of evoos from around Europe and most of them are pretty good. However, just a few of them really stand out…
Olive oil
Extra virgin olive oil tasting day in London
Karen Cryan is a real olive oil enthusiast “There’s nothing like a good Extra Virgin Olive Oil (EVOO) and I tasted sixteen of them at Judy Ridgway’s olive oil tasting class held in London last year”. Here Karen describes her quest for olive oil knowledge and reviews one of my olive oil classes. “My zeal…
Dramatic designer bottles catch the Eye
This is the latest in eye-catching designs for the Galateo & Friends Signature range of Italian extra virgin olive oils. It is by the internationally acclaimed artist, Lazaro Rosa Violan and joins three other specially commissioned evoo bottle designs for this company. Lazaro opened his design studio in Barcelona in 2003 and since then has…
Adopt an Olive Tree
From time to time I get emails from olive growers offering the chance to adopt an olive tree in their grove. The idea of adopting an olive tree sounds quite intriguing and so I thought I would have a further look at the idea. First of all I wondered why would anyone want to adopt…
Swiss Olive Oil
Swiss olive oil – what nonsense you say, yet just down to road from my Swiss home there are numerous olive trees growing happily in the Ticino sunshine. This part of Switzerland, south of the Alps, boasts a Mediterranean style of climate and the weather is such that olive trees can not only survive here…